Water pipes are an essential part of our homes, and as a homeowner, it’s crucial that you invest in the safest plumbing pipe materials for water transportation. It’s important to choose a water pipe that’s durable, easy to install, and fits your budget. Apart from longevity, resistance to corrosion, and lower costs, plastic water pipes offer other tremendous benefits. In this post, we’ll take you through different water pipes, their advantages, and disadvantages, and explain why HomeWise Plumbing thinks plastic water pipes are the best.

Major Types of Water Pipe Materials 

The integrity of your home’s plumbing system is an important part of your daily life, and the type of material you choose is crucial. Knowing the different types of water pipes helps you make a well-informed decision concerning your plumbing system. The following are the main water plumbing pipes available:

Copper Water Pipes

Copper water pipes are among the most traditional plumbing pipes and are still popular today. There are two main types of copper water pipes: rigid copper and flexible copper. They’re widely used in offices and homes.

Pros of Copper Pipes 

  • Copper water pipes can last for 50 years or more.
  • The sturdy material of copper water pipes has proven to be prone to less leakage.
  • When it’s eventually time to replace or re-pipe your copper pipes, the material can be recycled.
  • Copper pipes can withstand extremely hot temperatures.

Cons of Copper Pipes 

  • Copper pipes are one of the most expensive water pipes.
  • Mining and manufacturing copper takes a toll on the environment, and they’re not considered “green.”
  • Older homes with copper water lines with build-up inside can cause water pressure to drop.
  • Copper water lines have a low tolerance to freezing temperatures and therefore need extra care during winter to avoid bursting or freezing over.
  • Copper water lines are capable of leaching copper into the water. However, that will depend on the amount of minerals in the water, acidity, temperature, and how long the water lasts in the pipe. Too much copper in water can cause copper poisoning, but small quantities are perfectly safe.

Plastic Water Pipes 

Plastic water lines are widely used in homes because they’re environmentally responsible, sustainable, and serve generations. They have exceptional value, with super resistance to abrasion and corrosion, among other great properties.

Plastic pipe that is used for transporting safe drinking water comes in 3 main categories:

  • PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) is used mainly in sizes over ¾”, does not have great elasticity, so it is prone to failure if frozen.
  • Poly-B (Poly Butylene) – prone to failure at the fittings, especially if those fittings are also plastic; if installed with too tight of bends, or in home heating applications.
  • Pex Pipe – Pex is generally very dependable, especially if it is UV rated and is the one we most use at HomeWise Plumbing.

Pros of Plastic Pipes

  • Plastic pipes are the only pipes on the list that are not made of any metal, straightaway making them have advantages that the other water pipes can never match.
  • They’re less expensive and are a great choice if you want a DIY project.
  • Plastic pipes are easy to connect or install, and they also don’t require flame when installing.
  • They provide quiet water transportation, whether the water has high speed or pressure.
  • Plastic pipes can expand up to eight times their original size before they freeze.
  • They’re non-corrosive, leading to increased longevity.

Cons of Plastic Pipes 

While plastic pipes are great, their greatest advantages are also their greatest cons. For instance, plastic pipes are light and easier to work with, making them prone to damage.

So, Why are Plastic Pipes the Best?

While it’s fair to say no water pipe is a hundred percent perfect, plastic pipes are outstanding. They’re more versatile because of their affordability and low labour costs, making them perfect for significant plumbing or construction work. They also come in various sizes, shapes, applications, and styles that are great for almost anything, including water lines, drain lines, and sewer lines.

Also, plastic water pipes are heat-resistant, which makes them the perfect choice for hot water lines because they tend to self-insulate. Considering that most homes use cold and hot water, it makes more sense to install plastic water pipes. Lastly, these pipes can last a lifetime if they’re properly cared for because they’re corrosion resistant. Generally, plastic water pipes are excellent for those with a tight budget but don’t want to compromise functionality.

Not Sure Which Kind of Piping is Best? Consult a Professional Plumber 

Are you stuck on which water pipe is best for your specific situation? A professional plumber will help you choose a piping material that’s perfect for you. At HomeWise Plumbing, we recommend water line replacement if you have copper or PolyD piping for your waterline. This way, you’ll be able to avoid some issues, such as insurance companies not covering your PolyD pipes because they’re prone to damage or failures.

Contact us at HomeWise Plumbing and Drainage for your water line replacement. We’ll also help you determine the kind of piping you have and confirm whether you need a water line replacement.

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